Tuesday, December 22, 2015

11-Media Literacy: Mobilizing the Millennials as Socially Responsible Prosumers

 Social Media has been the greatest source of entertainment for every millennial youth nowadays but due to us being into social media we tend to forgot what really matters the most to all of us and we tend to get easily influenced on what we see.

Before the seminar started they let us watch a video which went viral years ago and has the topic of Ferdinand Marcos, Ninoy Aquino, Cory Aquino, and Power People Revolution. The video itself was actually breathtaking since the presentation was good and the information was a bit helpful. 

The seminar started with Asia Pacific College invited three female guest speakers, who works as journalists, and was given the chance to speak to students about Social Media nowadays and how it blinds us to our society.  What shocked me is that the three of them worked for Jessica Soho, a known TV program, which I really watched since it is interesting.

The First Speaker shared to us some tips on how to write an effective story or news article and what to avoid. She even discusses on how the journalist works in everyday life.
For the Second Speaker, she shared to us about Social Media and how it blinds us to what matters the most. If anyone still could still remember the Aldub concert titled “Sa Tamang Panahon” that concert has reached 40 million tweets while the Lumad Killings has only got 100+ tweets. The speaker told us that we are so focused on the things that does not matter the most or than the thing that should really matter. She even shared another story wherein a guy was falsely accused in the social media for bombing a place. That guy was bashed and always received death threats even though he was innocent but what shocked me is that when he was killed the same people who falsely accused him had the guts to apologize and offer their condolences.
Lastly, the third speaker shared some trivia on journalism and its perks but somehow it seems a bit boring to me or maybe because it was already nearing lunch time.

My favourite part of the event s when they give us tips or the strengths and weaknesses of the running presidential candidates for 2016. 

Overall,  the seminar is great and I have learned a lot because of them.

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