Sunday, November 1, 2015

06- Parasyte-the Maxim: Live Action Part 1

The movie is actually based on a manga called “Kiseiju: Sei no Kakuritsu” illustrated by Hitoshi Iwaaki. An Anime television series was aired by Madhouse on Japan during October 2014- March 2015. 
The story starts with an alien trying to invade Shinichi Izumi (Sota Sometani) who was

Anime Version
falling asleep by going inside his ear but the alien found out that it was being blocked by an earphone. In order not to risk its life the alien decided to enter through his right hand. Shinichi woke up feeling something not right until he saw something moving in his right hand. The next morning, he found out that an alien invaded his right hand and called him Migi (Sadao Abe).  As the story goes on, Shininchi finds more information about parasite through Tamiya Ryoko (Eri Fukatsu) while exacting revenge against Mr. A who killed his mother.

While watching this movie I can definitely say that it was very amazing and the graphics is really good. It sure was a bit gory especially when they are eating human and I was sure that it would make a good Halloween movie. But I could not help but ask in confusion where Shinichi’s father was since in the anime version of Parasyte his father was present but in the live action he was not. 
At some point, of the movie I remembered Shinichi and Migi’s conversation. Where in Shinichi said that Migi is an Akuma (Demon) and Migi searched for the meaning of Akuma and told Shinichi that the closest thing to an Akuma was a Human. It was funny when Migi said that but when you think about it you will realize that what Migi said might be true at some point. And the other conversation where in Migi is trying to say that the parasytes are just like human. A human sustains theirselves by eating food and parasytes sustain themselves by also eating humans. It was quite creepy to hear but Migi do has a point but just erase the human eating part.

To those who are fanatic of watching scary or gory movies then I would definitely recommend watching Parasyte-the Maxim Part 1 and if you ever find yourself having a cliff-hanger moment then you may purchase the Part 2 at Japan since it was already released.  

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait for part 2!!! I think the parasyte eliminates people who aren't useful in order to protect the Earth or they just think that people are useless then kill them.
