Saturday, October 31, 2015

03- Anti-Smoking Campaign Seminar

Last October 21, 2015, at Multi-purpose hall number of Asia Pacific College (APC) the school had launched the Anti- Smoking Campaign seminar for the APC students to know and understand the risks and dangers of smoking to their health. The APC invited two guest speakers for the said event. One of them was a former chain smoker and the latter is a doctor that came from a prestigious hospital.

The first speaker, whose name will not be mention, was wearing a robotic device near his throat that allows him to speak. He told the APC students about his unhealthy smoking habits until he got his vocal cords remove due to his continuous smoking that caused him to get a tumour. As, he end his speech he advised the students not to smoke anymore because it will not only damage their lungs, throat, or heart  but it may also be the cause of their early death.

The second speaker, whose name will also not be mention, told the APC students the dangers of smoking. He told the APC students that a cigarette contains dangerous chemicals especially Carbon Monoxide and Nicotine that causes a lot of harm to a person’s body.  He also said that continuous smoking can cause a person to become irritable, impatient, hostile, anxious, depressed, and restless. It may also be the reason why they have difficulty in concentrating, decreased heart rate, and weight loss. He also said that he takes part in a project where they would post pictures of lung cancer or gross images at a cigarette boxes like Marlboro so that people who buys them would know what will happen if they continue smoking. As he ends, he also advised the students to stop smoking so that they can have a healthy lifestyle and to lower the chance of dying at a very young age.

The seminar ended with APC students knowing the risks and dangers of smoking. They have learned their lesson which is to avoid or stop smoking so that they would not have complications with their health and for them not to die at a very young age.  

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more! The first speaker was actually inspiring because he warned us, students, to stop smoking because it would destroy your health. Through him, we saw how dangerous cigarettes are, they are, what I call, a weapon of mass destruction because not only does it destroy your health, it also destroys your health and environment. After listening to the seminar, we are now aware of the consequences if we pursue smoking habits.
